Beyond Interior Design Podcast: Transform Your Spaces and Business

EP 017 - 1/2 Create real impact with your interior design - with Sisi Salamanca

Institute of Interior Impact Season 1 Episode 17

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In this episode I’m the guest in the Beyond Interior Design Podcast and Sisi Salamanca is our host. And we’ll be talking about a whole array of topics, including how to create impactful spaces, personal development, growing your studio and enhancing your communication skills But we’ll also be talking a lot about the holistic aspects of interior design and how interior designers can make a positive difference in people's lives.

  1. How can interior designers create spaces that have a lasting impact on people's lives?
  2. How can interior designers tap into their unique ability to create meaningful spaces?
  3. How can interior designers integrate coaching principles into their work?
  4. What tools and knowledge do interior designers need to take their business to new heights?
  5. How can interior designers balance their personal lives and work responsibilities?
  6. How can interior designers design their businesses around their preferred lifestyle?
  7. What skills and strategies are necessary for interior designers to effectively communicate with clients?
  8. How can interior designers unlock their potential and maximize their creativity?
  9. What role does intuition play in interior design, and how can designers harness it?
  10. How can interior designers contribute to the well-being and mental health of their clients?


that's something that we they don't ask they don't teach us that as well in in school or or or universities when you find a way of serving people that's another level of of your profession and your life and your when you find that is is [Music]

a few weeks ago Sisi Salamanca from Colombia reached out to me we should have a chat Mark she said and she was right we felt so connected because we are on the same mission previously worked with the within the design industry and now she teaches at the house of insta coaching Institute how deliver a wholehearted life with Integrity to enjoy a liberating lifestyle so we both believe that interior designers possess a unique ability to create spaces that leave lasting impacts on people's lives and here at the Institute of Ontario impact we are committed to helping every entire designer to tap into this potential by providing them tools and knowledge the need to take their business to new heights so that's exactly what we're going to do today CC came up with great questions from her team members members students and following and that's why I offered her to use our Global platform the Beyond Italian podcast to inspire even more creatives because this is what every entire designer needs to know so here's he is your house for today because I'm on the other side of the table today

thank you so much that was an amazing introduction thank you well thank you I'm very grateful to help you to support your your company and your great initiatives with your Institute thank you well hello everyone it's an honor to be here uh yes Mark is right we totally connected in our purpose and I feel like this is in this new era that we are living we need to build communities strong communities and join forces because change is happening and people need us that's how I see it so is not a matter of competition or who does it better than the other ones is is about joining forces to um make this world a better place for everyone so I'm going to start with telling you a little bit about my journey personal Journey because I think it's very relevant yes yeah I want people interior designers who are watching us to know about my journey that is just going to be a story but hopefully it's going to inspire you to find purpose in your in your work yeah please welcome uh CC do do that because it will it will set the stage for today because we we are on a mission and people need to know that why right yeah yeah so I started a long time ago it's

the 80s especially for women we needed to find a strong career very um maybe masculine and you know like um very very uh prestigious career we needed to to choose very carefully because we were we were totally trained to be uh successful and earn good money and have a good life and so I started as an engineering a very good school in Cornell University in the U.S and I I practiced for for a while and then I became a mother and a wife and I traveled the world and at 40 years old I felt my first life crisis and I like to call it purpose crisis and new crisis because at that point I started to feel the need of finding my own career my own path like what is it that I'm going to do in this world what is it that I'm good at something that they don't teach you in school that what is what are what are your strengths so I became a coach a life coach by then and I did a certification in life coaching and that was my first moment where I saw my my strengths doing work you know like my strengths working for something very very specific I was a very I am a very empathetic person and I connect to people in a in a wonderful way I I totally uh tuned to people's emotions so that's what you that's what you love right CC yes yes I love to do that and I'm very good at it and I didn't know being an engineer I couldn't use that no so you you felt it for the first time when you were 40 you were like hey this is a magic feeling

paying me for doing it so this is like the best so I started to be a coach in a in a retail franchise a Danish design business a bow concept they sell furniture and accessories and they had a stores here in Bogota in Lima Peru in Panama and Costa Rica and I was the coach for that business and I and I did the training the sales training for the people they were basically young designers uh that needed to sell so I had to help them sell better but I was a coach so that was my first um connection that when you actually used your strengths you sell better you are more efficient you are happier so I that was that was my first experience with that yeah and actually we did sell better when I did coaching for for the sales force it was a really we had a an award for the best franchise at that time and I think it was a wonderful combination of um setting goals because the general manager was a very ambitious guy and he set up our goals of selling goals very high but then I was the coach so I kind of supported the staff so the combination of both things was really amazing and the result was wonderful so then a Kirsten Steno who is the founder of house coaching came to Bo Concept in a tour because she wrote a book about house coaching and I started listening to her talking about this and that was like a missing part of the Apostle like I was doing interior design with these people and coaching them and then she talked about interior design and coaching put together and that totally made sense to me like I was this this designers were going to the people's houses to the most private intimate spaces in their in their lives and they had to connect with them and then make a proposal and using the space in order to to improve their their their lives in some way so she talked about this and that made sense to me and I love the idea of house coaching from the beginning we totally connected and I got trained by her she trained me how to be a house coach and I learned with from her so my experience was about training people and then I told her what if we make an Institute what if we make a training program for interior designers and Architects about this that you that you do because you're the only one and this is this comes from this Scandinavian culture which I love you know their values and their common good kind of society and uh and we I I'm in Colombia and we are also very emotional people we connect to emotions very easily and when we talk about our emotions is totally she loved it here because she could talk about this stuff very easily and yeah interior designers are intuitive romantic positive we we we act on gut feeling on so yeah it's it's great that you that you combine this with well the coaching and interior design yeah right right so it made sense to me and then we started the the with a group of of uh interior designers and and coaches from Ball concert we did The Institute we started the Institute and it's been five years now and we haven't had a doll day since then we love it we enjoy it so much and we've changed a lot of people's lives because in the program we we have for each student we have three test clients so and for free that for training purposes they they work with three test clients so we already have a lot of testimonials of people that have changed their lives especially during the pandemics because we started on the 2019 and the pandemics came and everybody was confined and we had to work with students and with clients in their homes yeah it changed a lot yeah so it was it was really really quite a journey for us to see that some people were very happy to be in their homes and spending time with their families and other people were going crazy uh so it was it was very very very interesting so that's my journey and yeah I don't know yours because we don't we haven't met we just talked for a few minutes and I think it would be interesting maybe your audience already know a little bit about you but our house coaches and our people don't don't know you well so it would be amazing if you tell us your journey you share it with us I will do a short version because we are on the same Mission so it's literally that we thought well uh interior design I well in 2008 I started my first company uh with my dream when I was young I was watching television shows where in my pajamas ships ago on the couch with my parents and there was one guy in the Netherlands it's called young Buri he uh he died a few years ago he was married out design hero but um I was like I want to be in a general designer so I just had to do uh well Primary School Secondary School yellow school and another school and a design school and then I could start my career a few days later uh so in 2008 I started uh seven years ago I met Sven from Europe my business uh associate my partner my friend here at the Institute we started our own company because we thought there is more than just dragging beautiful stuff into a building what is it we want to discover it we want to do research for that so um it was quite successful when we added that extra later that you could call it coaching Slayer um intuition form follows meaning is how we call it there's meaning layer there's higher purpose which added which what adding a lot of value so um we what you could call a success 16 projects at the same time premium paid clients we were like wow this is going well for the outside it looks really well but it was horrible because 16 projects at the same time is not a good place to be we're earning lots of money but we were like ah we did it we mixed up names and clients and designs and it was horrible so we put it on hold all the projects we took a break and we came up with a methods uh where you can dig deep to design light and we thought well we have a big LinkedIn group a big LinkedIn Community right now we are over 185 000. wow with thousands a week literally and we thought well let's have this method and we have the LinkedIn group one and one is well for a designer it's 11. so uh we like to share it with the West for the with the rest of the world so here we started the Institute inventory impact to teach people what they don't teach you at design school and that is that is well we talk about business skills about unlocking your potential how to communicate with blind clients how to design your business and then designing your business around your lifestyle and not designing your lifestyle around your business because we are so passionate some people of us work 80 100 hours a week we spent less time with family than in our businesses and every time we have a kind of deadline or clients come up with questions and struggles and well we love the job so we just do it and you know that needs to change so we have a we want you to as a designer you are the designer of your life so you can design your life too you can design other people's life but you can design your own life too so let's design the business around your preferred lifestyle so you can live a lifestyle that you enjoy and you can really add value to other people's life yeah wow that's that's really uh similar I I think about Kirsten that she that was exactly the same the same reason what she started doing house coaching is because she was so overwhelmed with with business and she didn't have a life she was exhausted she was working seven days a week she didn't she couldn't rest or spend time with time with her with her families with her family and so I I I'm gonna ask you that the next question about that because I think the world is changing in terms of professionals like professions and careers how I see it is that we come from um from a concept of productivity like uh um careers are designed to make you productive and that was the maybe the Industrial Revolution uh situation that we needed to be productive and develop technology and science and everything very fast but now uh well that I think interior design came from that I guess and uh focus on on Perfection and the space and maybe sometimes Trends and marketing and selling and that's where the the career comes from but I feel that especially now after the pandemics the world is needing something else like mental health isn't an issue relationships broken marriages broken families

more people want to be feel more empowered in their life so they don't want to give a professional the power of doing the stuff but they want to do it themselves and be part of it there are a lot of people unhappy right now for exactly for some reason so how do you how do you see that in the in the profession in in the interior design profession the change from going to productivity to more uh service oriented career yeah uh well we always believed in the in those service oriented career because productivity every designer can design an interior and every Constructor can build an interior so if that was the highest level you want to achieve that that's already there you can call it tools or you can call it just the people who can do that but if you want to add an extra layer those this higher purpose and this higher meaning you need you need to work with something else but the problem right now is we live in an era of Rapid technological changes uh AI is a is a is a heavy one we we a lot of people don't know how to how to handle this where does it go how does it grow what will it mean for our careers our our jobs what what is the purpose of an interior designer if you have technology you can design the most wonderful pictures you see them a lot on social media so it's it's hard to catch up and I can imagine if you are a younger generation you are an endary designer right now and you have to choose your career and you're starting an interior design there study or on an academy and then you are like Okay um where do I end up in four or five years what will be the case do I have enough purpose in my life so um well I'm I'm almost 40 years old and I'm shocked to hear the amount of people that uh that I seen and I speak with that are not happy with their life and they're just getting started some say they are 30 and they they have already a kind of burnout I met them in my sport uh sport Community it was amazing 30 years and then they are well lights go off they are not well if you talk about productivity they can't they are we're not able to do anything so in my opinion they are missing uh the higher purpose and I see uh I spoke to somebody last weekend literally about the amount of strings they need on secondary schools strings on a secondary school people that really want to talk to somebody because they have bigger problems than just let's call it getting bullied or or not having the grades they really want they have other issues so that's kind of the terrifying news actually and it's going on right now so I think that's really what you are referring right yes and I actually yeah actually about that I I had an interview yesterday with that University because I am very interested in in partner partner partnering with the university I think that that would be our way of approaching um education in a in a bigger you know like we are an Institute and we work online and we have a lot of people online but universities are still the place where people go to get educated you know like yeah so I talked to them and it's it's it's funny to hear them for the first time because I've had this talk before but for the first time they told me we already know that we need to design a different kind of training because the traditional careers don't meet the goals of the young Generations now no and look about the speeds if you if you if you are watching four or five years an academy to do an academy like what five years of my life following a study I wanna I wanna speed course I want the shortcuts I want the and I think that's that's the future because we all want to consume a lot we want to learn a lot everything you can teach everything and from free to premium paid trainings whatever you want exactly he was telling me now he he is the head of the architecture and design department and he said people are going to to Ted not to technical institutes to learn architectural drawing and they want to start doing uh working on it without doing the five-year architecture career so then we're going to become obsolete we need to develop different programs shorter programs more specialized so so they can build their own career in whatever they want is that if I am if I am a people-oriented person maybe I can be a house coach but if I am a um I don't know a business oriented person I can do this other stuff or if I'm a technique I'm the biggest fan of that you don't have to choose the same like like we did with the Institute you you create your own recipe of what you like yes if you are an entire designer and you're crazy about gadgets and Technology make it your primary focus to to sell that because you will attract people that love those gadgets and technology and and if you are a fond of colors and you are like a call a therapist and you know that colors are healing in the natural design like a latest podcast uh like Gabrielle make it make the combination of that so you can unlock your own potential and then you get unique you're delivering unique value for sure and you will attract people that really love it because a lot of well let's say you are want to be an interior designer and you need to earn money and money is not the most attractive word for at most creatives because they have a well let's call it a difficult relationship or a strange relationship with the m words so um I will encourage every creative to to get a nice relationship with money because it's oxygen for your company it's oxygen if you are we we need oxygen to live and it's the same with your business you need money to breathe I I want to ask you about that because I've struggled this with the same thing in in our Institute and I want to ask you why do you think that is why do you think it's it's a conflictive relationship for creatives and and making money why do you think that is I think a lot of creatives are really into their hearts and they they have the best intentions for their clients and they love what they do so they they don't feel like hey um I well they love it so much there are some people that say I will do it for free and I know everybody has some bucket list something on your bucket list that you think well if that client came to me I will literally do the project for free but the problem is if you always say that and if you do it that's the worst scenario you mess up the whole industry actually that's for sure because when you do it for free not nobody else can earn money and we are really good in creators that well we are live in a really um well heavy economy and time right now but creatives are all prices are racing in every in the construction world in in well on that on every level so actually it's quite normal that we raise our prices and our fees I think it's it's very it's a very good point and I in my experience what we have done and what what is working I think is when you actually connect with the value that you add to to your clients when you actually see the difference that you make in their lives and that is so much better than the let's say competition which is not competition because other people do different stuff yeah but when you see that then you start feeling comfortable charging for your services when you actually connect to your purpose this is what I do best and nobody can do it as good as I can you know like this is my best version and I do it very well then I become more comfortable charging for it that's how I see it yeah but you you need to discover your first your own meaning and your your higher purpose yep that's really what you need to do so it's the same for the generation that don't know what to choose or what to what they want with the career of what kind of uh area they want to serve in the entire design world you need to find your higher purpose so you you need to know what what you're looking for so what what the thing is we need to inspire people our clients we need to educate them in some way because they don't know they just come to us like hey I need a new interior design for my business for my shop for my house whatever but they don't know what could be the impacts of interior design and for sure they don't know what most of us are delivering really or what we have in our minds as creators like we know this is the best for them because then they will do less of that or more of that or they stop doing that so we can change habits within with a good design we can we can make sure they spend more time with each other because you can refer to storage solutions or whatever we have so many solutions within the interior design but we need to educate our clients and when you are doing that we are raising the value of the profession in general but for sure when you are at the table and well let's call it the competition or our colleagues and you are in the same race you need to communicate your own value and there isn't there is one really important principle which is uh active here because a lot of designers they want to they want to they want their client to feel understood okay sorry they want to they want to understand their client what they are telling them so we we're like hey I'm the designer this is how I do it this is how I want to do it and they need to understand me that's that's the designer scenario in most cases but the client on the other side they have just one thing they want in the in your live meeting or in the connection in your in the first email they want they are graving for connection they want to feel understood so what is the real purpose the Harrier purpose of hiring in and Terry designer so if you assume that it is you're going to design an interior because they need a new chair most cases we are wrong right it's not it's never the case never the case so what is the case we need to you need to know that you need to discover that as fast as deep and as good as possible and that's with asking the right questions to your clients never assume what they are telling you that that is what they really want is it in how much cases is it what they tell you to they want you to do that it is not what you need to do true right yeah yeah that's true uh yeah I totally agree with you and I had that experience I I was thinking about the the stores when people come to buy stuff somebody comes and asks for a sofa it's never about a sofa a sofa if you really ask questions correctly then you find out that uh they are having their children growing and there's they're not it's not the same family anymore they used to have children and children oriented families and and now they're having teenagers and they're changing their lives and they need to grow and the solfa meets that that need and it it's a totally different thing than just a sofa if you try to sell them a sofa you you're not you're not getting you're not getting the situation yeah I wanted to ask you about that how you How do you how do you suggest because we are facing the same thing that we we tell people we are house coaches nobody knows what that is and what we do or how how are we going to work with them are you going to a BMI psychologist or what is it that is going to happen yes sometimes sometimes we are right sometimes sometimes a comments have an interior shrink because we are solving issues that it's that nothing to do with color and and spacing and but yes my advice for every designer will be explain them how does life look like after they work with you yeah always talk about the future after you interior design is just a tool and of course we are passionate about it and we can talk about it for days weeks months years we can we like new maybe you like new collections new trends whatever you're you're crazy about interior design but for other people it's actually just a tool nobody likes construction nobody is looking forward to a six-month construction and they're home in demolishing and Order businesses flat because they uh they have a renovation going on over a metamorphose or whatever nobody's looking for that they want the end result so if you are talking about the design process and what's so cool about design because you are so passionate about design you're sharing your portfolio and your knowledge and it's actually all about me me me if you just ask the questions that they feel understood why they need you and they are telling you exactly why they need you you can ask them why did did you contact me why did you what do you like to we have we have a kind of rule like seven times why seven times y just just try it every time you like a like uh I my kids are six and eight right now so I'm not into the Y Zone anymore not not so much now I really they really need a proper explanation that's the problem right now maybe they are they are a more advanced wise yeah yeah

oh how you call it but um yeah talk talk about what happened so so uh tell them that the well-designed uh interior uh can Empower them to do the right things that they they can encourage them to do more of what they love that they uh it can solve uh well tasks or issues that they hate to do or that they want to do less um that they the interior design can remind them every day of what life could be like we call it living on your own terms or or just the kind of award for what you already achieved or accomplish their life if you want high-end clients a lot of time they have a really it's it's kind of uh Awards on their success or something they are moving houses or they bought a new house or a holiday home or they're they're moving with the business or expanding their business and it's it's an emotional step for them so if you tap on the conversation which is going on in the mind of your customer you you are well you are five steps ahead of the competition we they are still talking about interior design you're not talking about you're talking about Beyond Terror design yes yeah definitely so you also have experience because that a about our our interior designers who joined the program and the house coaches um I remember they they sang and especially Kirsten for her she's she's a very empathetic person and she's very close to people and every time she she goes to a house to uh to a home uh it's always ending up talking about the relationships the trouble with their kids um their you know the the marriage the there's always a one hour two hour conversation and that was when she was an interior designer she didn't know what what to do with that like yeah yeah what do I do with this I'm just gonna put some questions help our military designer I'm not I'm not a therapist yeah exactly but I think it's the case was was that the case for you like you you also experienced that in your business like people talking and opening up to you in with their lives yeah yeah and that's one of the most magical things that is going on when you have the right Tools in place and the right well scripts or skills you can call it to go on that level because here's the meaning and here's the value you are adding and in some way actually because that happens they they trust you so much so why should some why should somebody share that story with you because they are in their design and you are there on the meeting and they are telling you the whole the whole life and the Really relationship gets tap on what's going on there what do you what do you what change do you want to see what do you want to do more what do you want to do less what do you what is it that you want to stop doing tap on those things in the conversation and show them what interior design because that's the tool you're using shown on what interior design can do for that some people say I have well they just contact you only say we want an extension of the house and they that's the main question we are on an extension can you do that just a silly question and then you go in that you ask the right questions then why do you want the next section yeah we have we have our spaces it's too small it's too small okay why is too small yeah look at all the stuff here it's over there and it's there okay why why is all the stuff there put it in the closet we don't have closets for that why you don't have classes for that yeah they're not they're not enough so what happens well then the kids go to bed they don't know where to put this stuff and uh I'm a bit half an hour busy with uh with tidying up the whole room and I don't know where to put it so we need more space I need those extensions are you sure are you sure the extension will solve the problem yeah yeah so what would happen well then I have more storage uh it's easier for me to clean up so you are saving yourself 30 minutes a day uh yes yes probably okay cool uh and then what well then I can uh finally have my me time me time yes yeah I can sit on the couch and just doing nothing after the kids go to bed okay and then I don't have to argue with my husband again about all this all the mess and the stuff in the room okay why is that so you end up with the question is I want an extension yeah and you end up with I'm going to design a solution for you that you have that you save yourself 30 minutes a day and spend more time with your lovebirds which one would you like to buy yeah it's not about the sofa yeah it's definitely I never talk about style and Aesthetics really that's a kind of I discovered that in with my coaching sessions with the personal mentorships that people ask me how much do you go in that on the Aesthetics I said well when I have the deal then it's important but up front you want to know why do we design that what is it that we need to design in order for you to get what you want because there is a higher purpose around it but what what is it that designers do a lot of time they share their knowledge first I'm a designer I can do that for you and yes I can help you so and then here's the deal do you want it and then some designers are a little bit scared of getting the deal to the table so what they do is start socializing and they they they want to be loved and they want to to to to make friends and then they are daring enough to present people the deal but then the problem with that is that you don't they don't know if you are the right person because you didn't share your knowledge so the other one is sharing your knowledge up front and the other one is what just want to be uh cool and positive they that people want to work with them but that's a problem so we we put it in the order of ask literally assess the client first see if it's a good match with the right questions then you're able to socialize because that's wonderful because when you know this people is looking for more depth in the interior design it's worth spending time with them right right so it's not always the case it's not always the case no so but why should you work with people that don't want this depth and coaching and yeah just send them over to a colleague that just wants to design a beautiful voluntary design because you don't you don't get the purpose uh and the the Fulfillment you don't get the Fulfillment with this well let's call them shallow and then well not to I don't want to judge about it because I'm fan of the depth but let's call it shallow I'm not interested in those shallow yeah directions so the way the way we see it is we we use the the Pyramid of needs the period is the the Maslow pyramid of needs yeah wonderful yeah some people are looking for functional anesthetics yeah and that's okay but we're going from we go from there up we go to where static is is not only Aesthetics but it's belonging and then going up it's about your values about your growth about your purpose in life about contribution yeah contribution service exactly your mission so you can go as up as you want but not everybody wants to go there no but the thing is people are looking for an entire designer and they get more so make sure up front you're communicating really clear that's if people are it's in your case it's almost like um you need almost to build a sales page for for our interior design and then you are offering a special ingredient that is coaching and people that are looking for coaching you're offering them the two of interior design yeah it's almost like that because the combination entire design and house coaching is really hard because there are a few people that know that that is the bad thing for them and that's that's the thing a lot of people don't know

if you look at television shows it's not the best branding for our profession because those are shallow and flat and about Trends and just call on spatial use and sometimes it's horrible what they did yes and the before and after of the space and then you see a perfect picture-perfect space that you don't know how the people are feeling and some people some people feel homeless in that kind of situation yeah I've seen people feeling homeless in their beautiful home yeah because you don't use the elements that are valuable for them or meaningful for them so we always want to know what is it that you value emotions in your entire design and some people are asking well I'm not materialistic and most of the times those are our ideal clients although we have premium paid awesome interior designs with high-end materials and products and Brands we but they don't feel that they are that this is necessary for them in their life it's not if if well let's say now um we gotta we get they get a fire the next day and the whole house burns up they don't care because it's stuff but what we did with the space in order to live the life they want and they deserve that's that's your specialty that's that's the profession of interior design it could be your the specialty so and you need how can people feel that we have we are almost working with four uh four questions it's like people need to feel when you are at the table with them and connecting with them we have four um kind of um yeah questions you might you might ask yourself that you want them to feel like yes I'm in the right place they need to know that this is this is this interior designer understands me that's the second one so then you know that you are on the same page about the impact you want to make with your entire design if you are on the same page you can have a really easy short sweet and well design process because you have you you know your goal at the end and if you are telling them as an expert this is the goal we are this is how we go there and you have your expertise they will listen to you if you don't have the end goal not the higher meaning or the purpose you don't Define that with your customer you're going nowhere you just have to find out with design version 14.3 27.2 whatever designing designing and designing and going to the higher purpose no yeah so the third question is yes this interior designer gets me the results because you show them how you are going to do that so yes in the I'm in the right place yes dysentery designer understands me and yes this entire designer gets me the results and then the last one very important yes it's worth the investment because what you just did by asking the right questions and picturing almost visualize the desired lifestyle they are going to get of the desired business looks or whatever you are raising your own value because they see what interior design can do for them so then it's more likely that if you're showing a higher fee to them that they think well it's a lot of money but let's do it and that's in most cases the answer I want to hear it's a lot of money but I'm going to do it because you know you are going to deliver and it's funny because what I see is that when you offer only interior design most people are willing to pay without having that value like people are are willing to pay for an interior a beautiful project of interior design not getting anything personally or fulfilling or just a beautiful space and they are willing to pay that money so it has to be better if you if you are if you offer this value of improving your your way of living and your relationships and your your purpose in life it has to be more it has to be easier right yeah but the funny thing is not everybody wants a good entire design sometimes you meet people that don't care about entire desire in the world most of the time you say I don't know how it is with you but every time I said in my life hey what is it that you're doing I'm a material designer and say oh well nice wow great lovely you're amazing it's it's never like oh what is that kind of that's a dull profession that's boring and I met I met once in my life I met a guy who said oh I didn't oh oh that's boring yeah I was so interested because we it's not that every [Music]

everything but they don't know first they don't know but some people are really happy and just uh well let's go to the brick bunker they don't need all this things and or they don't they're not looking for a higher purpose they are just happy they're happy don't you can wake them up and maybe they they will wake up and they say hey there could be more in my life than just did this was part one of a two-part interview between CeCe Salamanca and Mark muskins part two will be available soon

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