Beyond Interior Design Podcast: Transform Your Spaces and Business

EP 022 - Well-being in interior design - with Nuria Muñoz

Institute of Interior Impact Season 1 Episode 21

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Let's explore the concept of a regenerative lifestyle and its connection to design, highlighting practices for achieving it, understanding clients, and creating meaningful spaces. It also emphasizes the importance of nature, positive influences, social connections, and personal growth.

🔥 What is the difference between a regenerative lifestyle and sustainability?
🔥 What can you do on a daily base to achieve a regenerative lifestyle?
🔥 Why is spending time in nature or meditating so important for a creative?
🔥 How can you change your surroundings to get a better overall well-being?
🔥 How to be mindful of social connections with friends and clients?
🔥 How can designers make their clients feel understood?
🔥 How can you go beyond aesthetics and get to the deeper needs of clients?
🔥 Why is stepping out of your comfort zone needed for personal well-being?
🔥 How mentors or coaches help in overcoming barriers in your design business?
🔥 Why designing with a long-term vision contribute to your success and fulfillment?

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it's it's as simple as as we say it's just take the first step and it all comes one after the other but if you don't do it yeah on the page should I maybe you you feel like you you should hire somebody but you're like no uh this is too complicated it takes too much uh too expensive expensive yeah limiting beliefs as we all say they're really limiting you you won't do it and at the end if you're not looking at the things with abundance it's not happening [Music]

hi there we are thrilled to have you here today and for the people that don't know me yet I'm Mark mishkes interior designer interior design business coach and together with my friend and business partners svens we are the proud finders of the institutory impact with as we speak a global community of more than 190 000 interior design professionals and as fellow design enthusiasts we believe in the transformative power of interior design to shape our worlds because together we possess the extraordinary ability to design spaces that go beyond Aesthetics we have the power to create environments that evoke emotions and Foster connection to create meaningful experiences that leave a lasting positive impact therefore today in the Beyond terracean podcast we are happy to have her and well it's not easy for me to introduce her because she's a well-being design expert she's an interior designer keynote speaker respected educator columnist multiple business owner so for example the founder of the biophilic society founder of the award-winning interior design studio Harvey simonia and she's dedicated to sustainability a well-being nature and design for a regenerative lifestyle for beautiful planets so please welcome a life on Valencia Espana this extremely passionate lady full of the Implement and a positive energy I do like that a lot Nuria Munoz thank you thank you Mark this is an amazing introduction thanks a lot for this opportunity and I'm just glad to be here it's really an honor to be here with you guys yeah thank you thank you well um we are going to talk about uh well for sure it will have a really positive and good energy today a nice fight that's uh yeah I don't know that that's what we do so I have a question because um Harmony is living sounds good to me uh and I already mentioned you in the introduction we are going to talk about health nature design for a regenerative lifestyle tell us more what what is a regenerative lifestyle because we we had some podcast guests previously and sustainability was not the word anymore but you're not talking about sustainability we need to talk about regenerative yes what is it what is it what is it uh it's it's a holistic approach regenerative lifestyle is a holistic approach meaning that we want to create a sustainable life but for a long term so it has to do with uh positive uh positiveness with everything which is connected to our lives it's adding value to our lives to our lives to the planet to everything which is around us so it's very very holistic it's very um just think about what nature is doing nature is regenerating it's not being sustainable it's regenerating they're creating new things new flowers so it's coming in the in the springtime so it's it's about that and it's all interconnected because flower doesn't come just like that you need maybe the soil you need the air you need the bees you need many many factors and they all have to be in a good uh good interconnected but also positive and working well so that's that's about it just put it like that yeah that's really a nature fact but how now we have we are humans we are living in nature or some people don't they never see nature they live in this uh this brick World sometimes and they do they love it so how how is it working for you as a human being how can you what's my my daily uh let's say my my daily vitamin to to do that you ask me yeah yeah well yeah yeah so it's about leaning balance being a balance with me with with myself with my family with what it's going around so it starts with with every morning you have some rituals and one of the rituals is wake up and meditate I have this great meditation I'm doing it already for years I I do a mix of that and sometimes I do just uh abundance meditation but this this one in particular is called the six face meditation it's amazing it starts from taking care of yourself of admitting that you have to give compassion to people so you will start focusing on compassion and in love from somebody and then you spread to the words then it's about being grateful it's very important to be grateful the things we do of the things we're doing in our uh life but also in our in our work so we just pointing out like what's the three important things that have happened in the last week for me in a in a yeah private and work uh the work life all right uh then it's it's about um yeah there are many other other things I I'm not going to talk about all of them but it's in general it's going from being grateful having compassion so if you have like a very bad moment with somebody or you're you have some negativity make compassion better think about or think about them with another uh that type of view like it's saying okay this person might have a problem and it's it's doing that kind of action because it's it's not feeling good so yeah that's that's the compassion part yeah so well let's say it's right now when we uh when we are live it's it's Monday morning so we are starting the week people are looking at their calendar and they see oh well these are other kind of appointments how do you have I need to work on that kind of projects uh wow I need to do a lot maybe I have a deadline so all these things are coming into your head maybe and for some people uh already in the weekends that's the worst place to uh to think about it because you need to focus on other stuff but well for sure they open up again under this morning and you see all this stuff and they need to handle it I'll give you some suggestions on how I do it yeah how are you doing

with this stuff I know you can okay okay sometimes it doesn't happen but okay the way I do it is I look at the calendar this Sunday evening so I don't go to bed with a lot of stress already I know what's going to happen more or less in the week and I'm prepared mentally then I do this meditation every morning and very important for everybody who's listening here I take two times a week a day at least a walk in nature this is giving me kind of a loss in my in my daily life and it's creating that I'm I'm being more creative I'm even more productive sometimes depends on the weather outside of course but it's really this process for me it's very important so combination of those do are for me essentially nature and meditation of course I do some uh some workouts in the evening and I I love for very nice food with my family but mainly those are the things which are making me focused during the week yeah because that balance is out and doesn't work yeah so you will get into a kind of Rhythm it's really like rituals you have designed for your own yes for ideal lifestyle yeah and what is it yeah sometimes yeah you have the this phrase like you should spend 20 minutes a day out in nature unless you are too busy and I really like that one because in that case you should spend an hour and that's hard yeah when you are really frustrated you are maybe you are in the middle of a designer process and you're staring at your screen of or you want those inspiration and you got well if you're fighting it never works yeah that's the wrong energy completely right Mark but well I did like like this you know it's the same as eating if you don't make time to eat healthy and it takes a little bit more time than normal you start going to the to the hamburger shop and buying this fast food which is not health for you at the end you're not not going to felt good so it's the same if you start to realize that these 20 minutes are going to give you a boost of energy it's like vitamins for free you you will feel much better so it's it's it's not only feeling better it's giving you the energy to do many more things to be creative yeah for us as a creatives that we are this is the best thing to do and it's giving us a bit of a sense of calmness we've calm down so this is important for us and we start to be more as I said more creative without noticing that we are doing something for it so it's it's really yeah why shouldn't we and there's an excuse like you know we get busy this and that but just doing it for 30 days I would suggest to everybody who's doing it who's listening today to this just 30 days you know that after 30 days you you uh habits become real habits 30 days and it will be a habit for you and there is no excuse because it's like uh yeah why should we take a pill if we have it for free in nature so you can go to the park you can go to whatever just try to find something yeah which is near to you which has some nature and even meditate there or or contemplate contemplation is amazing I I wrote an article about oh oh it's uh one of the patterns of Bible exam one of the tools I'm working with and it's creating so much it's about interconnection about creativity about feeling good so yeah I could talk about nature for hours but it's it's yeah it's it's magic yeah like a ritual yeah yeah it's medical because in uh in Corona time uh um there was a I I was well there were a lot of people that were going wrong way okay they gained weights and they had they were unhappy and on the other side people were focusing really on Health in a kind of survival mode like hey if I'm really really healthy then Corona won't get me yeah and these are this these are the two camps and you saw that in in all Society I was definitely on the healthy part so I I took long long walks every morning one hour even when it's not uh was not allowed in the evenings we got this we got this part we had an eight hour eight uh eight what was it eight pm you were not allowed to go uh outside on one moment I I know in Spain it was a lot worse my cousin is living there you this was horrible yeah he had to spend his time fortunately on a on a roof Terrace you could go outside but it was worse but on that moment I I got this habit because I did it for such a long time I got addicted to it and I knew what it's and what it can bring you what it gives you when you do that even when you think okay I have a really busy schedule and you take well let's say this 30 minutes now you're so much more uh energized and inspired yeah it's getting more in the flow where it's more light that's it this brings next to okay taking care of things taking care of nature if you are going to many times a day or a week to Nature you start to to get that connectness to it to get that responsibility of uh of of nature of sustainability of good uh products of good materials and everything is interconnected so the more you go the more connection you have for a better lifestyle and it's all reflected in all things that you're doing yeah yeah that's what that's what you see so you start from with yourself yes and then you it it goes outside so yeah for me was it started by changing place um changing place we I moved to I've Been Working living and working in Belgium for 20 years and my body at certain moment needed some some changes so we did some pretty things we uh we had a dream my husband and I and we just said it in half a year time we did it we sold all things all all businesses in Belgium and we moved to Spain to Valencia and believe me it's not that it everybody has to move to another country but it's about changing places changing uh environments and creating environments where you thrive that's really really important so for me it was really like that I I noticed it myself and this is giving me the energy to do all the things I'm doing of course because I'm doing also I'm I'm doing what I like and this is my mission to do what I what I'm doing but it's it's really amazing yeah you create you created the world around you you you you you you were searching for this environment that give you the juice for Life yeah it's the same as what people say okay be surrounded by people who make you thrive yeah it's surrounded by negativity by people who are putting you down it has have a big impact so everybody who was listening now just take a look at how many hours a week are you spending with people who are negative so if these people are bringing you down or negative clients if they're bringing you that what could you do to change that to to make it more positive yeah maybe it's the same I don't need this type of customers because these are not giving me what I need so it is important to to live that way living happy people are living better and longer so why shouldn't we yeah yeah this had a big impact for me it doesn't sound really friendly because when I hear this about the social contacts you have in your environment all those maybe negative frequencies that are taking well they take over you if you if you're not aware of it they they have a big impact on your lifestyle in the way how you see live in daily life if they are complaining the whole day it's even with well my biggest example is when I brought my kids to school this morning and then you always have to swell models and I'm always complaining every day it's it's I think how how can you complain so much there's always something to complain playing and that's what they do and they stick there when I go maybe for a walk and then I come back from this half an hour or 30 minutes 45 minutes I come back they're still there at the fence complaining of like whoa this is this is this well they Master it they Master it but so when you have when you have really friends and that was kind of um there was a big insight for me so I'm really glad you you brought it up because you maybe you have some friends from primary school and we have this thing that if you are really emotional connected with them or it feels like wow this is really special because I you know them for so long but life can change you have a lot of switches you have your own career your own family of different things in life maybe they don't fit you anymore but if you push so hard to maintain a relationship because you know them so for so long those are the ones that gave me a lot of extra energy and and joyful life because I was like okay what what if I and Corona was uh doing that a little bit for me and you lose your yeah the relationship is getting worse and worse uh in that even in that period because they were shifting literally the other way and then then it's really easy that's that's it and what you said take care of the of the friends and of the people you care so send a nice message once in a while be mindful of that and and and try to yeah to to to make it really like uh okay to make them feel that they're important for you because sometimes I'm so busy but even customers yeah if we just have a good connection with them we will sometimes say it's saying like how do you like are you liking your kitchen like the kitchen you just say the power how are you liking it are you enjoying it you have so much feedback and it's so nice to to be part of them of that uh yeah of that creative process that you wear there and of their lives so yeah yeah it's about it's about it yeah you're talking about the moments that they're spending in the environment yes yeah knocking not talking about this this beautiful detailed kitchen or the material or it's about what are they doing with it how are they living with it yeah which for me is uh when I'm creating spaces it's the most important thing because we're doing for what what are we doing for making it nice only for that or for creating moments for people for creating for example a spaces where they can create memories with their families memories with their kids that's that's for it and and we try to do them as good as possible to have those positive impacts to have this beautiful experiences with their with their families in in commercial spaces they mean and uh workspaces it's about the feelings it's about yeah yeah you know you know our philosophy a form follows meaning yeah I mean it can be well it can mean different things to many people but it's all about this meaning if you don't have this meaning this higher purpose this Beyond part attached to what you are creating then it's it's worth nothing and then you can talk about it's really sustainable or regenerative or whatever but it's it's not if they if people even when they they don't like it because it's ugly then you can design the most sustainable thing but when they don't like it and they will destroy it again that's it you know it's about that now we're getting to something very interesting it's about listening to them it's about being part of them it's about getting under a skin it's about uh feeling the same way they're real they feel uh acting the same way they act and when we once we can translate that into the projects we're doing then it's like okay pound that's super satisfaction it's fun yeah yeah that's the word yeah it's it's literally Beyond yeah you said it as well beyond Aesthetics we do agree on that one because that's that's where I think where everybody is well the the we are shifting to another kind of energy in the world I don't know what it is no it's hard to to mention it but we're shifting we need so much more emotions and meaning attached to everything we're doing to get the Fulfillment because everything is there technology is moving fast I say it a lot in this podcast uh I will go more in depth on that one with Kristoff in the in the summer because all these artificial stuff yeah it goes so fast when consumers are getting grip on this uh then we really have to think about what is what is it that we are doing as interior designers when all the skills are just going to the computer I have to do the job yeah we I have my my thoughts about that and it's also about how how you can talk to an i AI uh computer you will never um be able to to adapt what we know as humans to do a computer system so even if you put so much so much stuff data you can create something good which looks good but how about feelings how about um understanding the consumer how about tweaking all the time that that feeling that I'm a bit accepted to that but okay yeah but it's really it's really individual huh that's a that's a beautiful I think that's the most beautiful part of our job to connect with every individual when you are serving a family or even a company you need to tap on their individual emotions to see what what is it that they're how how do they feel about it what kind of associations do they have these are really powerful tools to get in the right direction that's that's what a regenerative design is doing it's it's going as deep as okay where are you living which space are you living which culture as is there just adapted to where you are who you are but your environment is it's really really really tailor-made but all the way and it starts by understanding how do they feel are they having any diseases like we you know we tapped into Health we tapped into well-being that's so important something which interior design has never been like that and we see now through all the science behind yeah it's so much that's coming out through new architecture neuro Aesthetics all biophilic design uh multi-sensorial spaces all that it's given us so much information to to do it right so it's it's about us now to understand the tools and to understand the customer and translate it to them that's it yeah I don't think an artificial intelligence machine or computer will be able to do that but who knows no but it's another subject yeah it's another subject definitely but I do like the fact that you are a you're connected with science science of design and all this as a keynote speaker and investor and all the stuff and the the technology and the science is proving that we need Beauty in our life that we that we really need is this feeling of this well-being and this helping because to get the Fulfillment otherwise we're losing it yeah and that's that's the nice thing about this other science scientific part it's not this creative free it feels in another way it doesn't sound that that no any it's nice about you know having both uh science telling us okay if you are aware that certain tools certain things are helping you and your customers to thrive in that in that space you should think about that in your you know in your uh way of Designing so somewhere in the first stages of the design process think about that and when you are doing that design and be your creative and uh creating beautiful things go back again to that list of okay what was the purpose of doing of the of creating here and was it because people wanted to feel good in the spaces or people yeah stressed and we have to reduce stress or it's a uh yeah making the people are more productive or whatever or do they have a kid with ADHD and they need to to make him a bit more concentrated in that space depending on on the subject you you are creative but you always go back to the tools and that's what science is giving us and that's the nice thing about it mixing the growth yeah how do you communicate that because we are talking with the interior impact formula we have we have all the things connect we talk about participation which applying to go on a deeper level talking about the higher purpose yes uh really love about it's about living on your terms as you as an individual but also communicating Your Design principles your own principles with your clients so they know you are the right designer for them so how do you how do you start with that because um a lot of designers they they want to be more visible they want to be more connected they want to attract the right clients and they can spend a lot of marketing and websites that's the most common thing we hear in in Discovery goals and growth calls yeah I'm I'm spending three thousand four thousand Euro on a new website and all social media ads and then you get the leads and then you're coming entering a website and then well let's say Holo it's not a really positive word but it's like okay why should I work with you what's the purpose why you get out of bed every morning how do you communicate so how do you start to connect with your with yourself because that's obviously the the first thing you need to start with yourself yes that's a good question mark it's uh sometimes it's challenging I always say I I attract my right clients when I see that I have somebody who's not not in line with what I'm saying yeah I did this a lot in the beginning then I should just say no because you need a lot of explanation for those people who are not killing you yeah agree first of all you get the right people and get the right uh ideal clients let's say uh but how do you get how do you get clarity because up front you need to Clarity to get clarity about your own vision and purpose okay how do you connect with that because you will you let us yeah you had a strategy to change your environment and then you got a lot of insights or that that's what happened in your life and I really do like that because Swan and I um and sometimes we go uh one week we go somewhere else just to get out of everything and you're literally zooming out just by already the decision that you are going to do it is working that's magical right yes yeah just make the plan to go somewhere else for one week it's more fun that moment and maybe going already there yeah but it's there is something already working in your mind it's the same like I have I had some last year I had some coaches really working on the on the on the inner World about grounding and feeling the energy getting connected with yourself because we sometimes yeah you can imagine with the Institute with so many people and followers around that wow this is kind of overwhelming you need to but you just need to type in your own potential and feeling and energy yeah so I I I well I work with a coach for that one yes I do I have a coach at home as well yeah yeah yes yeah always always need coaching right you need only never stops yeah whatever coaching ladies gentlemen out there it's really necessary it's it's very important to have someone who is putting the mirror in front of you and making you go higher in your thoughts it's really important but you ask me how do I do that okay yeah I've been trying many things because at the beginning I thought okay I will talk about the science I will talk only about the science and expertise is biophilic design yeah really passionate about and just by talking about that it's like closer explosives why are you talking yeah this is a tool so I changed the wording of talking to my clients and I changed the world of communicating to prospects and it's not about biophilic design is one of the tools I'm using but it's it's about the person in front so what do I tell I start with what I do normally in my projects is stopping in their personalities tapping in their really going in inside like asking them you know that if you are introvert on this or some of the ladies here I will understand what I've said if you're introvert and your husband is extrovert you're not you know that your spaces will not match if you don't think and you create a space in that way oh wow why are you talking back so yeah many many uh studies out there but if you're introvert you need kind of environment I mean you're expert you need something else so you have to take into account those things so those feelings already like are you being that hurts I do you feel yourself hurts do you do you how do you feel I'm just telling them talking about passion about feelings is the most important thing that's the way and that it took me a long time to get there to to not to talk about the Gap are you feeling this hand you can you can increase productivity and creativity and uh you you become super happy and all these benefits yes yes it is it is but they don't care and another important thing is about uh return on investment when I'm I'm working with commercial it's a very important start like okay you know that if you spend so much this normal investment is so much by uh by having my expertise is so much more and they're like no no no no that's not uh what we want to do but if you explain okay imagine that you have 100 employees and you haven't returned on investment of 18 in productivity tell me and then they start to listen so depends on the client you have but yeah mainly when you're creating residential is about the feelings of the family about understanding who is there who are the kids and how to communicate that so try to put I meditate on that I try to put myself on their shoes before before to before I have a talk to them yeah to understand how they could feel so I have many examples I have uh right now I'm doing a project work uh these are two new uh um

to a new families in one so yeah yeah they have in total they have like five kids so okay how do you start with that I thought already to them you have to talk to them and let me interview them as well I need to talk to the kids yeah have some information about them because it's not only about you guys it's also about the kids which are really much more important in this situation because they're not from the same father and mother so yeah we have to understand how they live now who they are before we start to create something different the background totally other Dynamics maybe yes yes and those those Talks by by talking to them that way they're like oh I'm really being listened at the end it's about that yeah I mean listen and the people who are just there for the nice looks these are not your clients so just yeah we always say yeah we don't we always say uh they don't need to understand you they need to make them feel understood that's it that's the magic that's the magic yeah and you can tell everything about how wonderful you are and what we are creating and how you do it but that's not it's not not important no not at all the only one to know does this entire dysentery designer do they do they get me yes am I in the right place is this where the investment is she or you doing ah the the thing that I well it's beyond my expectations that's it and that way you're raising your value that's it so it seems very simple but it has a lot of work behind scenes so that's the added value that you give to the customer where they have to understand that okay maybe it doesn't cost 100 but it costs 130 150 maybe 200. it's much more it's deeper that work but at the end the customer satisfaction is like wow amazing we're aiming at the end but we want we are creating spaces for somebody else not for our egos so forget our egos and put our egos on another table and outside we were creating spaces for them so with that mindset yeah I would like uh we'd like to get back on the on the environment switch because you're telling people that if you are an introvert you need a more introvert space maybe and maybe they're really attracted by it's like when you are really chaotic people are always telling us surrender me when we do have a design job wow I want to do this they're showing us so such a clean kitchens and environments and it's like almost spaceships I'm like okay I see your existing home and you want us to create a spaceship what's well let's fill in the Gap what's going on here and it's kind of a Utopia that they're showing but we know for sure that there are will not be happy at all if they need to live in this kind of environment that's it and you kind of well you don't we don't tell them really upfront but we weigh them a little bit up yes we massage them a little bit on that one like well I have my doubts but let's continue let's find out if this is what you really want but to to stretch your comfort zone or to stretch uh yeah to stretch yourself sometimes can be good but maybe it has to do with switching the environment for your to having another view on the world so another perspective yes if you are really introverted you're going one week to a really bold heavy dense environment you for sure you will come back with another mindset and energy yes then when you're visiting events or you just at your coaching call then and they are really stretching you you have New Perspectives and then you can get get back in your in your own Zone but someone was huh yeah and everything the frequency changed that's right it's it's a simple example uh about that and it's really it's not about intro extroverts it's about okay let's say that we have kids and they're not reading they're they're really not nothing to reading and you know by tweaking the environment and putting a library very close to where they play and having very easily access to those books it's already for them like okay you're pushing them somehow to use those books to open those books so it's it's like what you say I'm an introvert but I I love talking to people but I need to also go back and to be microphone sometimes my husband says better you are really liking your cocoon too much to say yeah but I needed I went a whole week outside so I I really not yeah need to to uh recover and to uh to put my batteries at the level which I have to be done so yeah it's it's it's important to to get out of those Comfort zones something I do and maybe it's uh something uh that your listeners will love to hear is I do with my customers is a log activity activity so I tell them apart from these interviews like I'm an introvert it's very psychological and intermissible with them I asked them to do a lot of activities during the whole week meaning like tell me what do you do in the morning where do you take a coffee what do you use them in the evening but but what's what's your activity and put colors to those activities and tell me if those activities are being regenerative for you or are you putting down or are asking so much energy from you or they're just okay you have to do them so like regenerative can we be placed off um the the activities that are recharging you or giving you yeah like okay some people are loving they love cooking and so this moment is like for them like a really important so yeah putting that in mind you have knowing that you have to put in in the project that that Vision like okay they put this activity really important so you have to create that space for them in yeah taking into account what they want but sometimes but they but it happened also is I had a customer which uh who wanted to to do yoga that didn't have the space so she put like I would love to have Joe and warning but I don't have space so yeah your uh creation from from that point of view like okay they want to do yoga if we change the environment a little bit might create or we might in use that customer to do some of your in the morning so yeah and she was she was was she actually looking for a yoga place or was it now she was dreaming about it she said like I would love to do yoga I don't I don't have the time I don't do it yeah let's see uh she put it like okay this I think this should be important for me in the morning yes we changed the living space to create a little a little yoga space for her in order to do it yeah yeah it's it's helping so it's it's I guess yeah it's great you can you can measure it the effect of it but we know it's all there when she's doing yoga now only if it maybe it's once a week on Sunday morning or whatever it doesn't matter she has this kind of energy place or it will make makes her conscious always that you need to do more of it and then I think then we are going to a coming at a really important step that it's you just need to take every time your first Next Step A lot of people are seeing the whole big big [ __ ] can be in your life with your business lives like ah I want to get there and then well that feels really scary or people like I don't know how to do it and how is the most frustrating part

quite well the universe will work with you if you really have a clear why that's it but as you said you need to start by Yeah by taking the first steps and by not fearing the things and yeah asking coaches to help you out yeah you know what you're doing uh being mindful in what you're doing and taking every little step one thing at a time will help you to get there but if you don't do it if you just dreaming like you said all the time you won't do it I I tell you from my my own experience we looked for more than five years uh to go to Spain yes no yes no I'll ask very scary we have a business no no no no three kids we're not going to do it it took me up to the moment that I I I went to a coach and this person just made me believe it like you can do it you can do anything you want it's between you yeah and you can do really anything you want and from that moment but you start creating doing things yeah you're manifesting it yeah yeah yeah so it's a it's to anyone their visitor right now it's it's really really uh it's it's as simple as as we say it's it's just take the first step and it all comes one after the other but if you don't do it um okay should I maybe you you feel like you you should hire somebody but you're like no uh this is too complicated it takes too much uh too expensive fancy yeah limiting beliefs as we all say the limiting you you won't do it and at the end if you're not looking at the things with abundance it's not happening no so yeah so sometimes you need to kind of kind of um experiences in life that will when you really need to do it I we once you I had a trainer I did I didn't like that I like the idea they said what if I put a gun on your head right now and you need to have 100 000 gay tomorrow eh money-wise because then you can do whatever you want like hey you need advertising Euro so let's get it I put a gun in yet do you have this hundred thousand dollars tomorrow a hundred thousand Euro well probably because otherwise I will yeah do something really horrible with your kids okay okay [Applause] I'm going to get it yeah but sometimes it's a small small um moment and we have a in our membership uh program the one-on-one mentoring we are doing we have uh we have a woman and she's pregnant a few months and so she's looking at her uh really to spend time with her newborn baby and the last phase of the pregnancy so we literally are designing these moment for because now she's actually zooming out and her Ambitions are like hey I want a small team who is doing who's doing my sales who's doing the design job who's doing all the stuff and she had this limited belief or I can't afford a freelancer gun she literally hired one last week so I was so proud that she made a step and it felt so great for her and I said see that this hey you you were telling me well uh this pregnancy kind of it was not an accident for sure it was really she wanted to be pregnant but it was like hey this is this is well it has effects on my business and how do I handle with that she was more like okay then I I cannot spend the time on my basis which I like I can all these beliefs negative beliefs I was like hey look at the other way what is going on here this is wonderful this is the opportunity to zoom out to see how you need to design your business for the long term because that that's the whole idea of the mentorship right you want to design your business now we have an opportunity zoom out yeah and amazing what it does yeah what it what it is

a few months ago I I I I wrote my new Mission and I wrote it and I just said okay I'm going to spread it and I'm going to start doing it and it's happening you know it's like okay I said I want to make a well well a positive Global impact with design is it through I didn't know at the moment what do I I'm going to do is exactly good to do it in a global way but things are happening you're you're taking the first steps and little by level I don't know the universe is like listening to me I don't know what's happening things happen so it's it's really amazing just so to all of you just grab it and go little by little you know don't don't listen to those I said to those little demos or saboters in your head we have we all have them right yeah I follow this um this uh it's a like a course it's called positive intelligence and it's about what are our salvators telling me our heads and which are our receptors we all have them in different ways yeah because we are we are created to survive right that's the whole idea of the the human even design and we yeah we don't need it that much anymore actually because there are no tigers and elephants uh hunting on us no but still our own thoughts are saboteurs yeah these we have to manage and we have to manage in a way like okay uh if I started to have this negative thought just a second just focus this is some salvature talking to me this is not me this is Saboteur just get rid of it and that helps us a lot so uh for those yeah yeah we're talking about coaching it's everything inter College yeah yeah it is yeah you see yes it's about uh you asked me at the beginning of the session what's what's regenerative uh uh approach or lifestyle it's about all the things together I I do I encourage everybody to have a good balance in all the pillars of developing all of them and one of them is environmental these are spaces and we are responsible for that we could be doctors of people through our design yeah it has to start with our choice we have to be an example for our customers so we have to do it as well yeah yeah yeah great I love the idea of it that's what we we are preaching too design your life around everything yeah even around your business sometimes the the business is your is is leading the link have first the business and then second is my private life or my personal life or whatever but the magic is in if you turn it the other way around you have clarity about what it is that you really want that's what the impact you want to create what you have the higher purpose you have in mind for your clients and customers and even with your friends and family and then there's something uh yeah yes that's a switch so not the other way around yeah and then you are way more in line and connected with uh with everything so then then you're not going into burnouts or you're not stressed because uh yeah it's not we're not working in the same uh with the same energy and power if we're in this negative thoughts so we're not creating in the right way we are not having the right impact in the people we want to have whether or not ourselves being imbalanced so it's it's really really important yeah yeah so do you have a last takeaway for us do we have a amazing healthy and happy life what can you do right now after you're listening to the podcast listening to the podcast you can write go to the nature for about 50 minutes or for those who are going to listen it later on just listen to podcasts I don't know yeah outside in nature and that yeah that's my my suggest I'm uh right now I'm I'm creating many things I would like to talk about my my next adventure yeah share this a little bit because that's uh yeah so as as you heard I want to make a global positive impact and I believe that what we've been talking and about science and Science and I really design and all these different tools that we've been used putting them in the right balance are the future for interior design and for Architects and for designers so I am creating a platform and an academy which is going to help all all of the all of you guys to become and to have more uh connectedness with their customers I will give you the tools of course but it's also about learning example agreements how we connect with the customers how can we make a positive impact on them and this has happened at the same time I think a positive impact on you on your business on all your connections and all of the network so this is a platform which will start in October and um right now preparing it at the background so I'm really excited for that yeah to be uh yeah amazing an amazing uh place for yeah for people like uh like you and me and many other who who want to get inspired and get deeper and be more Mindful and engage engage uh deeper with our customers yeah wonderful well you gave us some amazing insights well now to be uh healthier happier to get your energy back to recharge very important to relax smile yeah and to feel it please feel comfortable with some maybe some bold choices you uh you have to make or you you need to make in order to get there yeah where you want to be so thanks a lot for that for sharing this yeah good luck good luck with all your uh all your stuff which is going on there's a lot I know it yeah so um thank you good luck with that thank you and I hope I inspired some people with this talk and definitely remember remember it's it's about little by little and connecting with nature has a lot to do with how you feel so yeah thanks a lot thank you for this opportunity anyway of course for you markinson thank you

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