Beyond Interior Design Podcast: Transform Your Spaces and Business

EP 025 - The Power Of Website Copywriting - with Nikita Morell

• Institute of Interior Impact • Season 1 • Episode 24

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Hey there, fellow interior designer! In this episode of the Beyond Interior Design podcast, we've got a very special guest joining us. Nikita Morell, one of the top copywriters in the interior design and architecture field. She is here to share her invaluable insights into the power of website copywriting.

Imagine this:
👉 You have the power to transform your design career.
👉 You have the power to attract dream clients.
👉 You have the power to truly stand out in the interior design world. 

Well, if this is what you are looking for, you're in luck! Because in this podcast episode, Nikita and I are diving into the strategies that can make this happen.

Here's the inside scoop on what you'll uncover:

  1. Discover Your Unique X Factor: Do you know what sets you apart from other designers? We reveal why finding your personal, unique X-factor is a game-changer in the world of website copywriting.
  2. Connect with Your Ideal Clients: It's all about understanding your clients' needs and building trust through great website copy.
  3. Craft a Captivating Website Header: Learn how a killer website header, driven by copywriting, can grab your audience's attention in seconds.
  4. Tell Stories with Your Projects: Find out how website copywriting can turn your projects into captivating stories.
  5. Focus on Bucket List Projects: Want those dream projects? We'll explain how tailoring your website copy can make it a reality.
  6. Embrace Authenticity and Passion: Discover why authentic, passion-filled website copy is the secret sauce.
  7. Establish Thought Leadership: Become the go-to expert in your field through thoughtfully crafted website copy.
  8. Leverage Social Media: Instagram, anyone? Learn how to use website copywriting to attract the right clients through social media.
  9. Build Trust Over Time: Patience and credibility in your website copy go a long way. We'll show you why.
  10. Don't Pretend, Own It: Even if your portfolio's growing, authenticity in your website copywriting wins. We'll explain why.

Get ready to turn your interior design dreams into reality with the transformative power of website copywriting. It's like having the keys to your dream career. Tune in now!"

"A common mistake I see a lot of Architects and interior designers make things saying you know feel free um to contact us on or if you're interested in and it's very quite passive language it's kind of like tiptoeing around what you want them to do you need to be a little bit more explicit and bold and be like hey you know if you like what you've read or you know if you've got a project in mind um get in touch here."

Hi there, welcome to a brand new episode of Beyond Interior Design thank you for being here I'm Marc Müskens, your host, and together with Sven van Buuren we're the proud founders of the Institute of Interior Impact this is where we provide interior designers with the tools and the training they need to take their businesses to new heights and because interior design is a constantly involving field that requires Innovation inquiries have fresh ideas and New Perspectives we believe that interior designers possess a unique ability to create spaces that have a lasting impact on people's life and that's why we are so committed to helping every interior design to tap into this potential to empower entire designers to shape this world so let's get started by asking you the first question and I want you to be completely honest not for me but for you for yourself right now are you getting the projects you desire and deserve if that's a no and by the way there's always a next level but if you're not getting the projects you desire and deserve well what if I told you there was a way to attract better clients so that's why I'm so happy to have her in our beyond the Arizona podcast today she's a marketing strategist a copyright for Architects and founder of Architects Workshop she helps Architects communicate their value so they can get a steady stream of ridiculously good projects and now she's here willing to share her powerful copyright secrets and my suggestion is take a pen and paper because you are going to learn simple ways to immediately improve your website so you can attract better clients too please welcome her Nikita Morrell thank you so much for having me I'm very excited to be here yeah me too thank you Nikita yeah um when I reached out to you and I invited you to be my podcast guest uh I know it's a few months already but do you still remember what you said to me yeah I think you know you you remind me you remind me because I think I have it I think I pretty much said no because I I serve Architects is what I remember yes um you know you have a lot of interior designers um as your audience so yes yes exactly yeah you told me and I don't didn't remember the exact words but something like sorry I'm not going to do this your target audience is it very designers and mine is architects so uh but we're so glad we would convince you to join us uh anyway because I think interior designers are facing the same issues we have to we do have the same challenges and uh maybe we do talk less about this this technical part or so but uh we can learn so much Communicator so again happy to have you yeah you are you're at a copywriting uh expert a marketing strategist um I read you you've studied 663 architects' websites yeah yeah that's exactly right well done I think it's been you know a couple hundred more since then but um yeah I spent I think was over 14 or 15 months just trawling through trying to find as many websites as I can and then I made like a video series I guess of my findings um as well so yeah okay well first of all why why do you do that why do you get out of bed every morning to do research on our Stakes websites well I just feel and it's the same with interior designers I feel like interior designers and Architects they just have so much to give the world um and I feel that you know compared to some of the other professions maybe um in adjacent Fields they just don't get the recognition they deserve so I feel like in all honesty I don't think I have what it takes to be an interior designer or an architect and actually did try and do an interior design diploma just as a hobby and failed miserably like I just don't have that special I don't know how you do it anyway so I thought I'd put my skills which are writing and marketing and copywriting into you know Channel it into helping Architects and even though I do outwardly say that I just um service Architects I definitely have a lot of clients as well that are interior designers but just my marketing strategy and Outlet is yeah for Architects yeah well that's already a good first lesson yeah pick your target audience so uh yeah I I I I I knew you would send it to me like hey I'm just storing Architects because you are very clear in who your target audience is so we can learn from other that as well already uh but um well let's get back to your research what is it that you that you find out yeah oh my goodness I found out so much I think um and you know I did this a couple of years and and In fairness things have come even in just two years things have come a fair way in terms of websites but I guess the biggest thing was a lot of firms just um come to me and they say well we don't need a website you know we've got all our clients coming through Word of Mouth um so we don't have time to work on our website or it's not a priority for us um and while you know it's great if you're just getting clients through the door through Word of Mouth um I think times have changed you know we live in a Google driven World someone mentions you refers you the first thing you do is kind of on your phone or on your laptop whatever just Google their name so I think um you know if you've got multiple tabs open of just different interior design firms that you're researching someone's got a strong website with a strong message beautiful images um it just is another way to build trust and that kind of emotional connection even before you've met them so um yeah one definite thing was that this idea yeah that websites are not necessary in this field um which I think is changing yeah so so yeah you told me why why are they so boiler to have a strong message but again imagine and I I hope we speak uh to a a lot of interior designers on a daily basis like okay yeah I know I need a strong message but and you want to be unique you want to be special you want to to share your secret powers like your entire design you want to create impact but um well you might think like hey what is my unique power what is my specialty so in order to to have a beautifully designed website maybe you could do that with beautiful projects but your message is lacking how do you how do you find out what is your special message your secret power how do you call it well there is a way um well I call it um an X Factor so I think your X Factor is the one thing um that you're known for or that you stand for I think I like to say yes the one thing you stand for so you can stand out as you just said with your visuals and your imagery and your you know tone of voice so the way you sound um but you can stand out but you have to stand for something so that X Factor um it doesn't have to be a Target client or a type of interior design or style or it can be so many things it can be your design philosophy or your X Factor can be you know you're really strong in one part of the process um or that you know you're inspired by a certain things so it is really broad but it is about just picking one thing and sticking to it and it is scary but you're not you don't have to stick to it your whole you know the whole term of your business you can pivot it at certain points but it is yeah picking one thing and creating a really strong Association between your firm and your ideal clients so when they think of your firm they think oh yeah that's the firm that does XYZ or oh yeah they're really good at XYZ yeah that's what that's why you your advice to speak just one thing because then you have only one story in your head or one connection with the picture firm yeah I told you yeah you said you said like it can be inspiration too so if you are really inspired by for example nature that could be your X Factor exactly or are to artists or travel you know whatever it is it's just like oh you know we get inspiration from different cultures and we weave that into our interior design philosophy or whatever it is but you're right it can be anything and that's why that kind of passion um behind what your ex factor is is quite important yeah yeah yeah because it's I can imagine if it's fully attached your kind of emotions because if you are so passive then you can't stop talking about it that will do the job for you right if you have to search for something that is really deep somewhere in your business and you don't know what it is and you're really trying to find it you're in your head then it doesn't work right so it should be something that's on the surface in your life in your business or yeah and I think look every so I work you know worked with hundreds of practices now and every single practice has a different X Factor so I think it's not so much as identifying but more uncovering so it exists you have one I have everyone has an X Factor it's just like how do we uncover that um so I think that's the key thing really um is I'm covering it and how that's the next questions how do we do that Luke question so look there are um lots of ways and you know I've I've got a whole article on how Architects can find their extractor in less than five minutes and I do say you know three things is Passion you know as I just mentioned proficiency so what are you good at what are the skills as well as profit potential you know you want to make sure that um there's you're running a business so that there's a market for whatever you have um so it's kind of those three things but I guess the problem that a lot of Architects and interior designers run into is that they're very close to their own firm you know if you've been working on these projects it's very hard it's you know that saying um you can't I think it's like you can't read the label when you're inside the jar you know you need to step out you need to be looking at it um and I guess that's where businesses and you know institutes like yours um and you know other marketing experts and stuff that's where it helps to really get some external help um to see that strategic side um of things yeah yeah you know you know what I find out and that that's funny and it's quite logical actually when you when you go back to why you started your business in the first place there's there's the key it's the same with the Institute where right now almost three years further with the initial idea but when we go back and it was so hard for us to see why are we doing all this what what is it that What Makes Us think why why do we get out of bed every morning why do we want to help all legendary designers what how do we see the entirely time worlds and the answer was in the very very first beginning with the initial idea why we thought hey this we would like to see a change in some areas and but it's hard if you are a few years in your business like you said with the fridge you can't reach your your your label on the jar if you are inside the bottle yeah that's uh that's that's impossible so yeah reach out to other people uh who have a clear view kind of helicopter helicopter view on your uh on your business asking the right questions probably yeah and they've got the frame you know like what you do with you know your um interior designers you've got that framework in place that people can follow and you know it's tried and tested so yeah but I do I do love to see your uh your article on that one let's let's share it on our uh on our website on your page we will prepare a landing page for you it's a Institute of a []( "‌") and we will uh put it out there all right with the link yeah I'm curious to that yeah so well um then we come to the to the very uh yeah to the to the main part because we are talking about website copywriting um well we all do want projects we well we all do have projects on our bucket list you know that's that's everybody's talking about that well I wish I could do a holiday home or a boutique hotel or that's that's one of the yeah Africa holiday rental something in this area this monetary design is a dream about that I think Hotel Boutique Hotel is the number one so how do we start to attract those kind of clients with your website yeah so one thing I will just start with because I just to make sure that everyone's on the same page is copy like when it comes to website copywriting copywriting is very different from design writing or design journalism or just you know wordsmithing um copywriting really is underpinned by marketing uh psychology and sales so it's a lot of it is selling so copywriting is really in a nutshell is about writing in a way that you get other people hopefully your ideal clients to take some sort of action so with your website it's almost like you've got to see it like um you know a bit of a teaser is that the whole point of your website is really to get someone and that someone being your ideal client and when I say ideal client I mean the type of client you really want to work with um to pick up the phone or to perhaps send an email form or you really need to think what is it that you want someone to do after they've had a quick look if you look at your website what is it you know what are the next steps so you really with your messaging need to be kind of you know almost say it like a home like ushering them through um and taking them on that Journey until you get them to take that action so um yeah I went in one of your uh with your articles in your ebook I thought it was that um we have research showed that we have 10 seconds to grab the attention of the audience yeah and that's exactly right so research says that someone will come land on your home page um and then they see above the fold which is um kind of everything before you start scrolling um and you've got about 10 seconds for them to decide whether they're going to stay on your website or they're going to hop off um and exit so this is why it's so important to let your ideal client know that they're in the right place you know you that's why you need to hook them in and say Hey you know we've got what you want um and a lot of I think interior designers and Architects aren't utilizing that kind of you know online real estate as well as they could be um but yeah you really have to think of it from your ideal clients point of view and you just think about how you visit a website you've got questions running through your head right like who are these guys what do they offer have they done projects like mine are they expensive you've got all these questions so it's up to you in terms of your messaging and your words to answer those questions that are going through their heads and when you do that you'll have them nodding along saying oh yeah yeah oh my gosh they really know me like and it's almost like you're mind reading um you know you're reading their minds so that's the beauty and the magic of copywriting yeah you you you need to create a kind of connection with them yeah so you said you said on the um a few cents ago you said they need to know if you can give them what they want so what what does it mean in terms of the because if this you have this title or this this subtitle in your header so what is it is it a kind of uh uh a promise or a philosophy or what what could it be what what's standing there not like not the not the company name right I see that a lot of times like Studio this or uh Architecture Firm that I'm like okay you know that already or landed on the page yeah actually my pet hate is like welcome or like yeah welcome what like thank you but just get to the point um but you know in seriousness I think that there are a lot of different approaches and to be honest I use different approaches depending on the client as to what is above the fold but um as a kind of rule of thumb I would say I like to have a head like a big headline and that headline's main purpose is to hook um your ideal client in and to really grab them emotionally um maybe it might be to surprise them or it's just really for them to just stop and be like hang on a second and then as I said to hook them in then you've got your subtitle which is answering that question of am I in the right place so that's where you say who you are so you know where residential interior designers um we um serve you know or we help homeowners do XYZ so you're really saying who you are who you serve um and the value that you're adding to projects so that's a little bit more you know some people call it a value proposition there's lots of different names um unique value proposition or whatever but I think it's more just kind of like saying this is what we do and this is who we do it for and this is the value we add so did you did you know exactly as if is that I am on the right place that needs to be the answer people need to know with with only those two lines they need to know okay this is for me uh maybe this is already what I what I can get from those companies from this company to read further otherwise you're already gone exactly and so if you know for example your ideal clients um are kind of maybe they're younger and they have smaller budgets um that's where you might want to say that not in this exact word but you might want to imply that you're affordable or that you've got different packages to certain different needs you really need to be thinking like the whole time like whenever you write any words or any copy you have to draw it back to that ideal client and that's why I keep saying ideal client but you really have to have a really strong understanding of who they are and what they're looking for and also what their objections are like what might they be saying like oh I actually don't want to hire an interior designer because I've heard that they railroad your designs and they don't listen to you and like what are some of the objections that they have because then you can address those objections in your copy yeah so tell them I'm not that kind of guy I'm not that kind of architect or designer yeah exactly if you are really are that kind of design and architect right don't tell it because only of the marketing you need to need to be an authentic message right on 100 I mean that just leads to distrust down the road and a wrong fit so yeah yeah definitely remember we we do love to talk about our frustrations about the interior design uh world right now about that this it seems to be a lot about this dragging beautiful stuff to uh to our homes our buildings and and it's about the next new shiny objects and all the strands and new colors and I do hate that because it's well it's it's it's it will attract even more mask exemption or like there there is it's not it's it's not this higher goal or purpose that we are talking about and not about this impact uh what we do see with the Institute is that people are attracted by debts they want to go on the same Mission so maybe frustration is a good one to talk about that you want to see the world differently yeah at least I can see it works for the conversations yeah yeah I think frustrations and um are good um I guess you've got to be careful again how your ideal clients and if it's relevant to them sometimes you're feeling those frustrations but whether they really care um is a different story um so for example like every time I write a website for a client I always interview three to five of that client's past clients so by doing that um I get an objective view on the firm and I get to see what kind of language those ideal clients are using yeah and that's really important too is to really take note um of the words your clients and phrases your clients are using when they're describing what they want to or describing their frustrations or their objections because those words and phrases you then want to weave in to your website messaging as well you are acting really vulnerable right because I did I did this exercise with Mike with our clients a few years ago with our ideal clients to get to know them really well and it was I was so scared I needed on a phone call sometimes live I was so scared to ask them the questions what we did good what we did wrong or what kind of questions do you have in order to uh to get the right answers what what is it that you were asking them yeah to be honest Matt it's just it's quite a broad conversation I think sometimes by having like very specific questions people feel very pressured to say the right thing so I always you know kind of like it's just but yeah I asked them you know where were you before you hired you know firm XYZ like what were you struggling with and then um you know how what was that transformation after working with them how did your life change you know what was it like working with them um so the conversation does take um plays quite organically but I think the most important thing is kind of showing point a like where they were and then after working with you like or the firm point B like where they ended up so like talking about what happened in between um because it's just showing them other ideal clients like oh this is what they did for us you know the same thing we can do for you as well so again about recognizing the situation and probably you're a real client will recognize they are in that situation so probably they see the right match in you again and you will attract more of those uh clients yeah yeah yeah and I always like instead of just putting all your projects on your website you know it's kind of along the same lines is just put the projects you want more of um if possible because they're the ones you want to lead with rather than you know putting every single thing you've ever done yeah you know more or something then really focus on that and you know showcase that much better to have one beautifully profiled photo on your website than just to have 50 just to say oh I've done all this stuff but it's not aligned with what you want to be doing well that's good news for entire designers that are starting out maybe because they they might have one good project or one study or a case study or whatever and you you literally tell them it's better to put them that only one good project you are want more of them then all those other uh all those other projects

use your words and images and video to tell the story of that project so you know if possible get that client testimonial um but really go deep and take that reader um that ideal client on a journey of that project so by the end of the point remember I said before like what is it that you want them to do you want them to feel like wow I already trust these guys have just done such beautiful work they can do the same for me and to pick up the phone and inquire the designers are creative so Architects mostly talk about when they when you when they show their projects what is it that you find out in your research oh some of them are pretty some most of them actually don't have any words which is very disappointing it's just beautiful images which is fine but as a copywriter button when I see that um but I think I mean look it just varies um but again as a rule of thumb from my perspective I think the better um project descriptions are the ones that tell a story and by that they really talk about the client what the client wanted what the client brief was um and then and using very you know conversational language and then they move into this is how we responded to the client brief um and this is the result so and and also they they're not afraid to talk about challenges either like these are the things we came across but this is how we worked around them so guess the project descriptions like the main thing is to really showcase your firm's design thinking um inspiration you know how you respond to when problems arise because again a prospective client reading this is like okay well they seem like they know what they're doing it's incredible I can trust them so remember copywriting it's not a a piece that's going to go into a magazine copywriting is about people you know essentially selling your services and marketing yourself so it's different um yeah yeah well some some people I love to talk about the brands they used in the projects or the the colors they were using or the shapes or they they well they give you a kind of interior design lecture almost about their end results and then I'm I'm always want to know okay and why does it look like that I know how it looks like and maybe you showed me why how you did what you did but why so the big why is the actually the solution you you take it a little bit through the whole process again that people will recognize and connect with the story like hey this is this could be my future too that they are showing because you you want to take you want it you told me you're like there I would like to call it you are closing the Gap you want to show them I can close the gap from where you are right now to where you want to be and uh this is this is how it goes this can be your future environment too is that what you're showing are you addressing what they can get or yeah and I think see like a big problem I find with like Architects and interior designers is prospective clients might get onto your website and they oh no I don't like that so I like that film's not for me but you've done that project for that client you know every client is different and most firms you know are tailoring I would say that their design solutions to each client like it's not just a blanket like this is all we you know we just do this on every single project no so it is really about saying like this is what this client wanted but whatever you want um it'll look the way you know whatever you envision we can do that as well so I think it's communicating that as well as yeah it's a balance um because yeah so let's get let's get back to the to the bucket list we we all do have how can you speed up the process of getting the your bucket list projects let's let's say you would like to uh to design this Boutique Hotel what can you do right now in order to get there what could be your first Next Step I would um and I I guess maybe I'm again as a copywriter probably do it differently than others but I would just go really hard on that messaging and kind of say you know we're designers for boutique hotel owners or whatever it is and if you don't have those projects to back it up that's fine what you need to do is perhaps create um you know thought pieces like so um or opinion pieces to create maybe like a blog or make sure that your Instagram's very heavy on inspiration um that's drawn from Hospitality projects but it's pretty much just again like how I do my business just like focusing on that one Target and just speaking to those ideal clients so what are Boutique you know Hotel owners looking for um what questions do they have you know have an FAQ section on your website and make sure all the questions are tailored to them and if it does you know projects if that's making you feel uncomfortable because you don't have any um in that realm yet make them up like I know it sounds ridiculous but just show sketches or show hypothetical projects or yeah you make it or you know things you've entered in competitions or renders like you know or AI like there's so many options these days like and you know own it like say maybe like I've seen a few websites that are like work not work you know they've got in the navigation bar and in the not work section they've just got all their passion projects and you know it's just it's kind of owning it it's not pretending like oh yeah like we've done all these things it's just saying look I mean you've got to start somewhere you've got to get some things under your belt at some point you can give the resources and add value in different ways then you're building up that trust I think and again it's just one way of doing it yeah yeah but it sounds great because you your passion is involved all your energy you're focusing on those kind of projects you're sharing your vision you're sharing inspiration uh you you talk about it you write about it maybe you will record videos about it that you everybody when you have a boutique hotel and you're searching for an internal designer how easy can it be if you find this new exciting interior designer who wants to take on your challenge you don't want this maybe this regular or a general Boutique Hotel designing you want the new a new kind of perspective and you're connecting with this this view this perspective this belief about how the next Boutique Hotel should be right then you uh might have a deal right exactly yeah I I I it reminds me of my my first high-end clients I was living literally in nine square meters student uh homes my design office was under my uh big bed and somebody he was just Googling and he found me I was literally 500 meters away from him so he said well let's but he read something on my website and it was kind in totally designed for successful living or something like that and I shared a kind of intuitive Vision about how what's the beyond the terror design thing was I did I didn't even work beyond the third design that way yet but it was in 2008 but I shared a vision about what I thought in Terror design should be like and he connected with that he said although you are a startup a very young designer I want to give you the job and I was like okay and and then I didn't thought about it anymore I was like okay I I was just lucky but now I I I cannot ask him again because he died a few years ago but actually I had to ask him what made you feel had to choose for me because it was obviously it could be a big risk for him to do a complete design and construction project with me just as a startup quite risky isn't it it is but I also think and this is what I think I've posted about this on LinkedIn before is that people often they're not hiring according to your credentials the projects you've done like as you just said I mean I he probably and I would say most likely hired you because you're a nice likable person and that's something I think a lot of Architects and into designs often miss is like they're so focused on like I've done all these things and I've got all these Awards but it's like hang on no one wants to work with a jerk right like yeah with nice people and especially on these projects it's not like just you've done in a day it's like sometimes months or years or whatever it is so you have to be able to also communicate with your words again um your likability and your personality and I think sometimes that you know we're human like that can weigh in more than the other kind of stuff that we always are putting forward so yeah yeah yeah I think so but a lot of and that's it that's in our minds there are a lot of interior designs and Architects might think hey I'm not good enough I do not have those Awards I'm not on the front cover magazine I'm not this I'm not that but it doesn't mean you don't get the projects you want right we are to be completely honest we do high-ended terrorism projects we were never on the cover page of an entire design magazine so for us it's that's not the case it's not the truth that you need to be first on a cover page to have those to serve those kind of people and then it's like do I want to create those kind of projects that's another thing let's see and you need to always like you know when people say oh I'm trying clients come to me and they say well I want to grow my Instagram to be whatever and I'm like okay that's fine or I want to be on the cover magazine but you have to again ask yourself why what why why are you growing these followers is it to um gain you know greater awareness within the industry is it to get clients because they're two completely different things so it's always I guess going back to that or even you know entering Awards why you're entering this award is it because you want to boost your recognition get a better reputation or is it actually winning like you know so it goes quite deep but it's always good to at least just think about these things um yeah yeah great it makes a great sense again we get we get back to the why why why do you want that yeah maybe you feel more confident if you are on the front cover but uh I don't think that will really work for you for the next big project because then you know okay now now I have to do it now I have to do it I was on the front cover people have so much stress they're feeding me and I I don't know how to do it so yeah you'll get back in your head again so uh yeah you need to discover the why for your own why you uh why you want to achieve that yeah wonderful yeah uh and then well it's about yeah we go it's so much directed with who you are as a designer as the creative hey you're talking about what's your higher purpose what's the impact you uh are going to create your your promise what is it that you promise your client when you start working with you so then we go back to your to the about space and it always says about us most of the time but uh then you have a problem um how what is the story about this do you need to talk about yourself is it all your all those credentials Awards maybe what if you don't have those what's your story on that page yeah so I guess um yeah there it's funny because it is called about a lot of people about us um but really again it's kind of flipping it so it's about you but it's also about your ideal clients so the way I like to think about it is um instead of saying we're so amazing where this you know multi-disciplinary Studio when we do this we do that you need to flip it so instead of saying we're so amazing you say your project is going to be so amazing when you work with us so it's just flipping it to be and reframing it so you're putting the ideal client kind of front and center but at the same time you're subtly talking about yourself and this is why you know there's a lot of copywriting techniques involved in doing this yeah the main thing to remember is just to make sure that you're not being very me-centric so look at your about Page look and count even how many times you've used the word we us um or I if you're just doing it first person and then what you want to do is you want to um flip that so that you're using the word you a lot more so we want to be talking directly to your ideal clients so instead of saying our clients you want to be saying you because then you're taking down that wall you know between that kind of you know metaphorical wall between the reader and yourself and it really just that tiny little change um can just lead to so much more of an emotional connection and just this feeling of like oh they're talking to me you know instead of saying well you know our clients are very happy with our services it's like well you will be so happy with us when you work with us kind of thing so yeah yeah so it's all about them and it's actually about about you the about you but it's almost but that doesn't work in the main uh in the main menu for example say you know we've been in business for 25 years full stop that's very me-centric but yeah you say we've been in business for 25 years so that means we've come across a lot of projects so you know we'll you can feel confident that we will know how yours or something but you you follow it up with saying well this is a benefit to you because um yeah and do you do you uh do you tell them on the same page uh who you would like to work with because again we talked about hey The Passion of Vision on the industry or the entire design uh your own Vision on your projects do is it is that what you share there as well yeah so on that page you can share um you know yeah we like to work with um people that are homeowners whatever that respect and value um good design or you know so you can definitely think about your ideal clients and pull out um things that they have in common and call them out sometimes people don't like to be that bold um they get scared to do that because they're like ah like you know because it is it's a bit scary saying we like to work with um another way you can on your about page is you know writing your values saying this is what underpins every project and lists three to five values um or a Manifesto you know write a little paragraph of what you really believe in because the whole point of this about page is to filter out those people that are not a good fit yeah just as much as it is to attract the right people you are also filtering out all those people that are there to pinch their pennies or you know don't actually really care about design or whatever it is that is not a good fit for you um you want to make sure that because otherwise you're just wasting your time you know you might get than 100 inquiries but half of them are from people you don't want to work with anyways so yeah testing your business as well and your time now one of the one of my uh business coaches told me marketing is a disqualification process I was like Hey normally I'll think do you think you need to attract as much as people as you as you can man a lot of people see it that way let's put my message on the billboard and then attracting so many clients and I can pick anyone I want but you are really busy then right you have a lot to do to filter all your clients and maybe you need you find it out and and already a few months and you find that it's not the good part exactly exactly yeah all right um features features and benefits yeah so that's exactly what I was just talking about before um I just didn't use exact words but it's like saying um features are facts so it's just like um we've been in business for so many years we've won this award or um you know we're especially good at doing XYZ um but then it's following up with the benefit for the clients so it's saying so this means for you and then you add in what that benefit is so it's really just going through and it's a good exercise to do just go through your about page kind of underline all the facts that you've said about yourself and then you know see that if you've written a benefit to the ideal client and that way it keeps it very balanced as well all right and then then another way it's a kind of personal thing people that do me really well do they know I love that I'm a fan of dabs so I want this in-depth story but online we do not spend a lot of time on websites or on articles so how do you make sure if you want to share an in-depth story that people are going to read it how do you attract those people into your

yeah that's I mean it's a it's a funny question because in terms of like I guess you can't really make anyone read something I think what you can do is you can make sure that it is formatted for skim ability to make sure that you know it doesn't look like a lot of texts I don't know about you but when I see like big things I'm like ah yeah so that's another great point that you bring up about just making sure that it is good for skimming um and you know kind of I think you need to go in with the mindset that not everyone is going to read everything um lay it out on the table make sure that the hierarchy of the page is right um but the thing is is if people are interested um they will read it it's like I think a good example is David chipperfield on his website um has like three options so for example on the project description it's got three sentences then you can click a plus button and then a paragraph comes up then you can click um for more information than a whole like page comes up so it's like they're giving their ideal client different options and they again it can take action um depending on how much information they want so you can do the same you might have just a few sentences um website designer have a little plus button where you can click it and more can drop down but it's just kind of keeping it light on the eye for most of it so yeah that keeps it live in the eye and if you want more depth you are in control to get more depth on them yeah yeah that that feels always good right if you are in control of websites or articles that's that's what we're always looking for right if they if you have we have the people are guiding us through something and it's almost manipulating on like I I don't trust this uh yeah you want to do your own research yeah and then another thing we we would like to act as professionals so uh sometimes I read websites I do see people's website I'm like okay uh you're definitely professional but I don't get your message I I do understand it because I know this business language but how do you handle that in those times because it's I think time's just shifting we want like you said a couple of times multiple times here we want this personal connection we are we are craving for these personal connections nowadays so professional and personal authentic and professional what's the secret look I mean I am so I think that there's different like being professional there's a whole Spectrum right like there's no one definition for professional but I think more than being personal I think it's more about personality so I think it's about they're not mutually exclusive I think you can have personality and be professional at the same time I mean um if you go on my website you can see a picture of me doing the splits you know and yeah I've never had anyone call me like unprofessional before so I think it's how you can weave in um your personality and I think that again it helps with that trust it helps with that emotional connection that likability is we were talking about earlier um the one thing I will note though is with professionals I think you were kind of um maybe implying like you know kind of that jargon where you're like what are you saying um you just got to be careful you know that you're not throwing in jargon and terms to either hide behind because you don't really know what you're trying to say so you just think if I put all these words in I'll look a little bit smart um so you need to be mindful of that um but again you also have to be mindful of your ideal client so jargon is good if your ideal client has worked with 20 30 you know interior designers in the past like if they've worked for a designer they've done all these sorry not worked with 20 30 you can create a bit on 2030 projects when they get the process they get the jargon so it's fine to use so remember we've got to be speaking their language however if they've never worked with an interior designer or an architect before and you're just throwing terms at them then it's like what are you talking about so it's really knowing that ideal client as we've been talking throughout this whole conversation and knowing their awareness level and the words that they're comfortable with using as well yeah but I can imagine it it doesn't sound when you when you read those languages it's like those words it's like this is not going to to be a fun and easy trajectory right yeah this is going to be very serious I have to think that really hard I have to make all kinds of difficult choices they're going to ask me all these kind of technical stuff that's the first impressive right that for me as well it's like okay this is not a fun company to work with yeah I don't I don't like that but maybe you will attract if you are if you would like to talk about it you can attract with this using this kind of language you can attract those maybe boring serious ideal clients right

I mean and everyone's personality is different

that's another good point is kind of to make sure that your online personality matches with your offline personality um you know I've dealt with clients in the past who tell me Nikita I want a really bold witty website I want lots of jokes you know and then they say this on email and I'm like yeah that sounds great and then we have a zoom call and I can tell that they're very introverted and they're not the big bold personality so you need to match kind of who you are as well yeah yeah wonderful yeah I I do love it more and more and and for me it is I experience a lot of freedom when you can be really your authentic you when you just can tell your own stories like like uh the last couple of posts stories I'm I'm creating right now is literally I'm I'm writing like I speak I do love that I'm not a thinker I I do love to speak that's why I was a podcast right that's not that's why I don't write the book so I just write like I speak and that will well that works out really well for me yeah is that a kind of strategy and is it your personality strategy or is it just a gonna be a general strategy to make it easier readable yeah definitely like writing like you speak um is good I guess it's it's a good way to approach it um because it's gonna mean that you're a lot more conversational with your words um a good trick I I use often is going on to Google Docs and using that voice to type tool so kind of just speaking at my computer sometimes you know like a blinking cursor when you sit down to write can make you feel a bit like ah lucky yeah once you get the screen like okay what's next still a blank page yeah no backspace yeah you do have that as a copywriter I mean like we all yeah oh my gosh like so many times I mean with copywriting we always kind of start again with our ideal clients we've always got something but just especially when it comes to you know awkward stuff like writing your own biography or your about page you just feels weird so just sometimes talking to your computer letting that voice to type tool just do its thing at least then you've got something to start with um and it's in a good kind of conversational tone um as well yeah and then the words the words are flowing yeah yeah wonderful yeah well uh Nikita you have a lot of sorry to uh shared already thank you I I secretly uh put some personal questions inside by the podcast so I was like oh hey how can I do that how does that work or I know it works but why does it work so thanks for that um yeah and then a very very I I know that one a very important last one it's called the CTA a call to action that's what uh most websites lack of Rights 100 yeah PTA in there and make it really strong and engaging so dummy what what is it can you give us um yeah as a last uh input some some examples about a good CPA for your uh terrorism firm sure so yeah so call to action um I like to have one on every page of the website and it's pretty much as I said it's a good Loop of the pot of this podcast because you know at the start I said you're trying to get someone to take action so this is then your call to action is telling them okay this is what I want you to do next um a common mistake I see a lot of Architects um and interior designers make is saying you know feel free um to contact us on or if you're interested in and it's very quite passive language it's kind of like tiptoeing around what you want them to do you need to be a little bit more explicit and bold and be like hey you know if you like what you've read or you know if you've got a project in mind um get in touch here or you meet them where they're at so you might say something like whether you're bouncing ideas around or you know exactly what you want or anything in between give us a call or get in touch or and then you link that button to your contact page but you try and meet them where they're at so if you know your ideal clients are probably not going to really know what they want you say you know hey even if you don't know what you want yet give us a call so it's really trying to again get into their head where they're like how do they know I'm thinking this yeah get it get into the conversation which is already going on in the mind of your customer yeah that that's what Dean graciosi told me uh he's a he's a big sales guy and that's this this is that's his line get into the conversation of what's already going on in the mind of your customer so if they are on your contact page what do they think right now yeah guide them to take the next step make them let the next step so you get to know more about them and then it will lead you to the deal probably yeah with an awesome client with good clients exactly yeah that's what it's all about attracting the right clients you can attract a lot of people with a with a her with a messy matches yeah I've got a post that actually is scheduled for tomorrow which over what is it it's like you don't need hundreds of clients you just need a handful of the right ones and I think that sums it up you know you don't need to have heaps and I think that's when people start to get followers and be in all the magazines it's like what are you doing this for like you only need a handful of really good ones um at any given point so yeah I totally agree with that one we want a fewer projects and better ones no more yeah that makes your life so much easier and more fun because you you can you are able to work with people who believe what you believe yeah well think what you believe they wanted to achieve the same impact the same results they are on the same page yeah it sets you can build the most um fantastic relationships with your clients if they if they know up front that you are the right person for them but you need to filter them and it all comes down to your message on your website yeah wonderful Nikita thank you for sharing your secrets although we're gonna interior designers you shared it with us right your target audience is Architects but uh yeah I do really appreciate your time

thank you so much thanks for having me it's been a pleasure so again we will uh prepare a wonderful landing page uh if you want to know more about uh Nikita Morel if you want to connect with her she's really active on LinkedIn that's why uh how we find her how we follow their uh for City long time so when I go to uh []( "‌") Nikita and you can connect with your referral we will put our uh free uh downloads uh over there links with that with the uh yeah free resources master classes and she has a free guide with uh 21 simple ways to immediately improve your websites so you can attract better clients so um yeah my advice is uh download it check it out because yeah it literally does what it says it will you will immediately improve your websites

thank you keep in touch by

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